Thursday, August 24, 2006

Chiefs Fantasy HOCKEY 2006

The Chiefs have registered a fantasy hockey league on yahoo. It should be a blast. All, of course, ae welcome to join. I set it up so it will be simple and easy for everyone. We will pick

2 LW
2 RW
2 C
3 Forwards
4 DMen
2 Goalies

The point system is real easy too.

We will have three categories:
Assists and
GAA for goalies

Now here is the interesting part: It will be a Head-to-Head League which means that every week your team will go head-to-head against another team in the league (it's one vs. one)
The team with the most goals, assists and/or best GAA will win. It's as simple as that. I am hoping to get at least 10 people signed up in this. The more the merrier. It should be an even number of teams so everyone gets to play every week.

We will hold a draft after hockey one Sunday in late September or early October.
To join the league just go to and follow the instructions. You want to join an existing custom league. The league ID# is 7102 and the password is chiefs.

To make it interesting I think we could put 10 bucks each in the pot. If ten teams sign up then

1st place will receive 90 and 2nd place will get his/her money back (10)

3rd and the rest will be playing for pride.

An addition to the money, 2nd place will buy first place a beer. 3rd will buy 2nd a beer, 4th will buy 3rd a beer, 5th will buy 4th a beer, etc. Basically, last place gets no beer. Oh and you could substitute beer for orange juice if you so prefer.

Note: The league is set but the rules aren't. If you would like to change something we could go over it and if it makes sense than changes will be made. For example, I am not against scratching goalies all together and just keeping skaters.

Note 2: If enough alumnies want to join then we will make another league which will have a live online draft so the alumnies can participate


Anonymous said...

Me in

SeaBass said...

That's what I want to hear. I'll try to get watty and few of his compatriotes from Incheon in there too. What do you think?

SeaBass said...

We have four teams set up right now. We are looking for at least 6 more

SeaBass said...

Note: If you don't show up for the draft we will use the yahoo list to draft your players

SeaBass said...

What do you think is teh best representation of a goalie's worth in the NHL? IS it GAA or sv%??

SeaBass said...

After talking with SParky, I've added plus/minus and replaced GAA with save%. I have also added total points to make an odd number of categories so as to have a winner every week

SeaBass said...

haha. their muscles are sooo tiiight!!

SeaBass said...

We are at 7 would be good to have 3 to 5 more

SeaBass said...

Alumnies: If you want to start up a pool post it up we could do an online draft!!!.