Tuesday, August 08, 2006

A full team & Tbone's 30th

A full team with two subs on each bench and two able bodies tending nets? Thats right boyz and gals, a full team on full ice stalagmites and all. The mighty whites were stacked against the colorful rainbow team (reason number 7 why we need jerseys) and both teams had two (thats right count them, two) subs sipping water on their bench. Once it was evident that we were going to have enough players, we noticed that we didnt have any goalies so a couple of volunteers were picked from the bunch to tend nets. The lucky chosen ones were Ryan at one end and me at the other. Ryan did quite well, especially around the end of the ice time when he was actually diving for pucks. He definitely won the goalie battle we had going. As for me, it was probably the worst outing Ive had between the pipes. The white goalie skates suck. First they were insanely sharp and then I took Coreys amazing insight and I walked on concrete which made my skates dull all right, just not evenly. I had absolutely no lateral movement whatsoever. Needless to say, I blame everything on the skates. As for the view from outside the crease, the white team led by Speedy Jack won the team competition by a few rounds of three. Jack was his normal self making everyone look like pylons out there. Oh and before I forget, a strange happening occurred last Sunday, Coreys ju-jitsu-god-bless-you workouts seem to have had an affect on more than his strenuous relationship with high school bullies. He has somehow developed a slap-shot within the past week or so (and it got off the ice AND it almost made it to the top corneractually it beat me on the short side, I was so awe-struck that I couldnt move.) Chuckey Norrisey also needs a mention as he continues to improve from Sunday to Sunday. He keeps on scoring goals, and not just one or two. All in all, it was a great skate.

1st Star: Corey Not so Scrawny Slapshot

2nd Star: Ryan Cassavant for winning the goalie challenge

3rd Star: Norris, Chuck Norris.

A few notes about the team,

1. It was great to see a full roster out there as it covered our ice time.

2. As previously mentioned, there is no Wednesday hockey this month.

3. We are thinking of getting jerseys made and it would be great if you guys developed an opinion and voted in the poll there on your right.

4. Next, we may be holding a game on Sunday. This isnt set in stone because there may be a problem with numbers which brings me to my next bit of news

5. It is Trevor a.k.a. Tbones B-day this week and he will celebrate it on Saturday. If you are reading this then you are welcome to come out and raise a glass in honor of Tbones 30th birthday. You should call Mark, a.k.a. Sparky, for all info. His number is (010)7997-1978 crank calls are encouraged and welcome.

6. New pics have been added to our Flickr site. Check them out and if you have any pics of the team you want to share with the team, don't hesitate to send then to the team. rmtchiefs@gmail.com

Next Sunday is at 12pm again. Be there. Tbones 30th is Saturday. Be there.

Keep your eyes on the play,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
