Monday, January 29, 2007


A new year and new jerseys. Looking good boys and gal !


1) How many games did Don Cherry play in the NHL?
2) Who was the first goalie to consistently wear a helmet in the NHL?
3) When Gordie Howe signed his first NHL contract, he received $500 and what other item: house, jacket,car,or new skates?
4) There are "mistakes" in the current home page picture of the 2006-7 Chiefs. Can you find them?

Enjoy ! T-bone # 3 ( not T-bone the third, John Morris !! haha)


Anonymous said...

Trivia Answers
#1. Grapes played in 1 game with the Bruins, a playoff game.
#2. Jacques Plante with the Habs in the 60' meant mask right?
#3. Got a team jacket as a bonus. The agent was fired the next day.
#4. The kid on the left, and the two dudes beside T-Bone?
Got a lot of free time this afternoon

T-bone said...

Only Aaron is right so far..Michell's boy is not in the pic...but there's more!!

T-bone said...

nope..I realise others are wearing other jerseys..just look at this pic..then the one on the web site

Anonymous said...

You computer whiz you, Karl wasn't there on picture day. It must be his ghost.

T-bone said...

That a boy Aaron G! So we now have two out of the three "alterations" my brother did.

Anonymous said...

Well T-Bone, looks like you are about 10lbs lighter in that picture, haha.

SeaBass said...

you can do anything with photo shop....your bros has talent tbone

looks awesome

i think i have tall paul's body on that pic

Anonymous said...

Wait, who made me so handsome??? LOL!
Rene "Fabio" Boucher.