Thursday, January 11, 2007

Just Got a Call

the Rematch
Sunday, January 14th, 2007
All teams are finding it difficult to book ice times this month. As we previously mentioned in past posts, we asked the rink if anyone wanted to hook up for a game. The deal was that they would host us on one of their ice times and we would host them on one of ours. When we talked to the rink we said that we would host our game NEXT month but I believe that this tiny point was lost in translation. I just received a call from the Maple Leafs and they are looking to play this weekend at 8:00am.
So it's the same thing as last time
We need a bunch of players and TWO goalies (not sure who would like to come this week but I'm hoping Terry and Claude hook it up again)
So first come first served....who is in???
and don't forget, we don't need to stack it up.


SeaBass said...

i'm in...

Anonymous said...

I'm in...

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Marc

SeaBass said...

claude's wife just got in so he may be missing this one. we'll need people to suit up if we can't find anyone to play nets...we need two goalies...

Anonymous said...

I'm in. Corey

SeaBass said...

well then. that's aaron g., darren, marc, karl and corey. we have one full line.

anybody else interested in playing hockey????

we need two goalies also

T-bone said...

I'm in

Anonymous said...

Gerry and Terry are in

Anonymous said...

My buddy Dave said he will make it to play nets this week. We'll see...


SeaBass said...

aaron g., tbone, marc, darren, corey, gerry and karl

nets: dave and terry

if Dave doesn't show we'll have to put someone else in nets. Right now we have 7 players (if everyone shows) so one of those players will have to go in.

it would be nice to have two full lines like last weekend. 3 or 4 more players would be mint.

btw, tbone, we have to pay for the two hour ice time this weekend since they paid for it last time...they will pay for the refs.

Anonymous said...

we should also see if lexi and paul want to play...

T-bone said...

Cole is in!

Anonymous said...

Thx for the call Big D. Count me in. I think Michel wants in too. - Paul Alex

Anonymous said...

this is shaping up like quite the team. i hope everyone takes it easy out there or else we won't be getting another game against these guys. smiles.

Anonymous said...

Count me in.

Tall Paul

SeaBass said...

So as of right now we have 11 players

aaron g.
paul a.
tall paul
marc r.

in nets we have

as previously mentioned if goalies don't show then a player will have to go in for him/them. all in all, i'd say we're in good shape in terms of numbers.

Gabe said...

Mind if I join in? I've got skates but need to borrow equipment.

SeaBass said...

good game . great times had by all