A Sunday in Brief
What a Sunday!! What a Sunday Hockey Fans!! We had a great skate last Sunday filled with tape on tape passes, beauty one on ones and some thoughtful positioning all thanks to a slick hard and bump less ice surface…well, it’s always nice to dream a little.
Back to the lands of reality, the morning skate got off to a slow start as many scramblers came in late; the winning combo of ‘markentbone’ found their way to the rink just in time to lace up their skates for the last hard fought 30 minutes of play - you gotta’ give it to them for showing up with just two hours of sleep in them. Three university players also came out. They played well and sped the game up a little. They were also kind enough to give us older folk a break here and there…well, everywhere. As for the actual game, it was one of the best Sunday skates in a long time. Lexi deeked the pants out of one of the uni kids. She also held her own in a one on one face-off battle against Tom. It was definitely a mix of inspired and hurtin’ people out there but it was nice to see people trying to get a few skates in before the tourney. The Mighty Whites came on strong in the first half of the game but the late arrivals balanced the teams out a tad. Still, I believe the Whites did win this one mostly thanks to Allon’s speed bursts and wicked shot. Our goalies for the day were Rene and Terry. I am not sure who won the match-up but I think Rene held onto a slight edge to win the goalie competition. What was on the line again? an Elvis costume? The final score was 3 to 2 for team White…only goalies keep score after 5.
A point of mention, since our ice times are presently an hour and a half long it would be great if we could cut down our warm-up time from 30 minutes to something like 10. Of course, everyone, especially goalies, would need to start showing up at least 10 minutes before the Zammy hits the ice on the hour. We waste a lot of our game time just fooling around at the beginning of our ice time.
Three Stars:
1. Lexi for deeking the pants off one of the uni kids.
2. Rene for holding his own
3. Markentbone for showing up for the last 30
More Information on the tourney will be posted when we know more. Check out your emails for registration and personal waiver forms. They should be sent out as soon as we can confirm our ice times. The goal is to have everyone who wants to play registered before the BBQ so the captains can draft their teams during the BBQ.
The Chiefs fantasy hockey pool is still open for registration. We will also be drafting our teams during the BBQ.
There is NO ice time this Sunday but we do have a Scavenger Hunt on Saturday in Itaewon. All interested parties should email Tbone ASAP because the teams are filling up quickly. Our two representative teams will be sporting Mighty White and Evil Red. Make us Proud!!!
Well that be all the news for today.
See you at the Party next Saturday, the 23rd.
1 comment:
Good work SeaBass!
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