Wednesday, September 27, 2006

A Great day for a BAR-beque !

Saturday September 23rd marked the third bbq "Fun'd" raiser for the Chiefs, and I must say that it went very well for those in attendance, and the Chief's kitty.
The gates were opened early, as Terry entered at 1:39pm. He was so conserned on getting his team just right, he wanted to make a full surveillance of the drafting area before his opposing captains. Big D would soon follow, as would Louis, Rene and then the gates were wide open with a sea of Chiefs. And these Chiefs were thirsty and hungry!
"Spark's Bar" would sell over 200 drinks and made a whopping 60 grand in tips. I was on the grill, as long as I could take the heat on my hands. (man those burgers make some flame!) We sold a lot of burgers, dogs and souvlaki. Putting out the garbage and recyclable the next day, took a few trips for Spark and I.
The auction went on a little later than planned, but it did go very, very well. We did not have the great photos or certificates that Killer put together in bbq's of past, however with the help of donations we managed to raise a good sum of won.
I am pleased to say that the Chief's kitty is sitting well over a grand in the black. We paid 451 000 September 24th to bring us up to date for all ice times and locker fees, and we are currently sitting at approximately one point five million won. That's what I call a sucsessful barbecue!
We would not be looking at those figures if we did not have A LOT of help from fellow Chiefs and Chief's friends. I would like to say a big thanks to all who showed up , and especially those who picked up items for us and for all those who donated time or items. Clay, Isaiah, Paul Novak, Angelo, Terry, Aaron Allinson, Tommy, Rene, and if I forgot someone...thanks a bunch.
Our place is back to normal now, and all went very well.
thank you

Tbone # 3 watch out for the MOKDONG MANGLERS!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Tbone, don't be drinking my bottle, smoking my cigar or playing with my Jose Theodore, eh! Ha, ha, ha! I trust they're all safe in Spark's room still. I'll have to pick those up sometime when I get back from Hong Kong next week.
Rene "That's my stuff" Boucher.
Goooooooo, Manglers!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tbone, Seabass and Sparky.
I have an idea about the numbers. Would you post up the numbers that are already taken up by the Chiefs? That way, Fraze can finally see what number he can choose from, and pick the one he likes from the availability list.
Just a thought.
Rene "46" Boucher.

SeaBass said...

the problem is we have no idea what numbers are taken by the chiefs. we made a post about this a while back and barely anybody responded.
we'll make a new post but...

SeaBass said...

and... posted. i guess we knew more than we thought. now watch, someone will say noooo that's my number

Anonymous said...

Thanks Seabass. It's always a chore the first time, and when the dust settles, you have something to refer back to in case of disputes. There's still a long list of numbers available, so that should accomodate a few more Chiefs to come.
Rene "States the Obvious" Boucher.

SeaBass said...

Great work on the BBQ Mark and Tbone. It was the most succesful one thus far. The location ended up being great. I hope it wasn't too much of a mess.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on that comment, Seabass. You guys did a bang-up job with the party, and from what I saw, it was a HUGE success. It didn't hurt to raise that much cash either.
Rene "Kudos" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

Can Tom Daniel, Farmer Darren, and Cole please contact me at ASAP -Terry

Anonymous said...

If anyone can find the #1 Chiefs puck bunny Julie Doyle, can you send her home. I have a feeling she's hiding out in the locker room.

Anonymous said...

If she's in there, best to leave her there. Once you enter the lockeroom it's awfully hard to leave it! Who wouldn't want to sleep amongst all the sweet smelling hockey gear