Friday, September 01, 2006

And your CHIEFS colours are.........

Here following are the results of our poll:

What colours do you think the Seoul City Chiefs should adopt for their new home jerseys?




9 Votes


1 Vote


11 Votes


1 Vote


6 Votes


2 Votes


1 Vote

Solid Red

1 Vote

Solid Green

1 Vote

Solid Black

7 Votes

Solid Blue

2 Votes

The Chiefs are now Blue and Red!!! Stay tuned we presently have 27 monkeys slaving away at the design table so you can have a couple of jersey design options to choose from...
The final vote will be held at the Chiefs spring BBQ on Saturday, September 23rd.

Next, The Fall Tourney 2006 (yet to be named) will be held after Chuseok. A quick note, you may be pleasently surprised at what we come up with. Should be action packed!!!


T-bone said...

Any "hanging Chads" in the voting Karl ?


SeaBass said...

what's a hanging chad???

T-bone said...

certain ballots Florida couldn't use, because "they say" people checked 2 spots...

SeaBass said...

well from the vote results either people were voting for more than one colour combination or they voted multiple times. Or we have tons of players on the chiefs but 90% never show-up for ice be the judge. Still blue and red will make some good colours. I was hoping ol' school blue and yellow would get voted in but blue and red will look real sharp with my white elbow pads and my one black sock.

Anonymous said...

Who in the hell voted for solid green jerseys????

Anonymous said...

An Irishman who wants to play hockey of course. Or from Rowe who plays galic football if i'm not mistaken?

Anonymous said...

sorry my mistake it's Adam who plays Gaelic football. Rowe just sleeps in T-bone and Sparky's stairwarell.

T-bone said...

Ha ha..yes he does