Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Fall Tourney is now FULL


The tourney is now FULL!!!!

42 players have registered for the tournament starting October 15th. There is still a significant possibility that one, two or more players will bail before the Saturday draft time so if you arent on the list sign up anyways because there is a good chance a roster spot will open come Saturday. This said, once the draft has started there will be NO NEW players accepted in the tourney. Once this thing is running it will go to the end.

The draft order has yet to be decided. I believe we will have small a useless-skill competition to determine the draft order. The draft will be held at the BBQ. Renes Team is the MOKDONG MANGLERS. Tommys Team is yet to be named (Team B. ) Terrys team, also yet to be named, is Team C. The schedule is posted in a previous post on this blog but the time slots are still unknown.

Dear Captains:

The Chiefs Hockey Insider would like to present to you The Chiefs TOP*GUNS

1. 'Shifty Feet' Jack (F) He can set up anyone from anywhere and if he ever decides to shoot he usually finds a hole. He has the best vision of any Chief. His biggest knock is he always looks to pass at the expense of shooting.

2. Corry 'Devil Head' Day (F) He is highly skilled and can do pretty much anything out there in Chiefs hockey. The only knock on him is he seems to need someone with skills on his line.

3. Aaron 'Animal' Geddes (F) Has a very good shot when he hits the net. He tries to pick corners, which causes him to miss the net far too many times. But hes the only one who could probably snap it from the blue line and score. Since Tyler isnt in this pool, hes your best sniper.

4. Hee 'Hai' Joon (D) Hes the toughest D we have. He has a bundle of energy and never lets up. He also has a nice low shot but he never shoots. The only knock on him is he doesnt understand the Western Game.

Group II GUNS is enormous and counts just about most chiefs. If you are interested it will cost you a beer at the BBQ. You can't go wrong with most players in this group.

Group III GUNS is where the draft will be won. Here is where lies the difference maker.

Group IV GUNS. This group is very deceiving. You really need to know everyone inside and out in order to com out on top here. Some are much better than others and even more have made major improvements in the past year.

Hmmm...bring it on people!!! Playing for keeps here!!!

The tournament will of course be won with the core and whoever picks the best core will win this tourney. The bookies are favoring Tommy to come out on top in this one but its a close battle. Goalies you are the KEY to your teams success. If you suck as drafters or, more importantly, if you arent ready between the pipes you are going to HEAR IT!! You guys best be bringing your best game out there because, on paper, this is the highest level tourney weve hadthe latter statement is in direct correlation with who everyone on the unknown list is and if Hee-Joon and Jakes friends are fellow ex-uni. players.

Up for grabs:

1. The yet to be named Cup - Every single winner will be given an entire 15 minutes of personal time with the cup to do whatever pleases him/her.

2. The Tournament MVP

3. The Highest Points Getter

4. The Best Goalie - This is huge because the best goalie will probably win this tournament.

::::::::::::::::::NEXT ORDER OF BUSINESS:::::::::::::::::::::

Next up, we need information on a few players in order to have a proper draft.

Matt Bell , according to puck bunny #6, can do everything on there. played Junior C. He's a group II free Agent
Daniel S. says" I can do those things OK and I have played organized hockey a bit."
Jacks Friends rumor was wrong his three friends will probably be Group I free agents.
HeeJoons F#1 OUT
HeeJoons F#2 OUT
Kims Friend OUT

We need you to answer a few questions. We want to make sure our teams are as even as possible (of course, with an edge going to my teamGo everyone on my Team!!) so we need to know how good you are. If you could answer the following questions it would make the tournament a lot more fun for everyone.

Can you skate?
Can you skate backwards?
Can you turn both sides?

Can you lift the puck?
Can you snap it? Wrist it? Slap it?

Have you ever played organized hockey before?
If so, how long and at what level?
If not, have you played pond hockey?

:::::::::::::The Tournament Sub List:::::::::::

1. Clay 99% chance youll be playing

2. Aarons buddy A generous 70% chance youll be playing

:::::::::::::: NEWS FLASH ::::::::::::::::

A Few Substitutions

1. Clay is in - Kim's friend is out

2. HeeJoon is in but HeeJoon's friends are out because we can't get confirmation on their attendance

3. Jack is in and he is bringing 2 University players and 1 Ex-university player with him (who used to be teamates with Jack)

4. Aaron's friend is next in line to get in. If the following players do not contact us he will probably have a spot in the touney


Draft Info

We NEED Park Jang Yeon, Wayne and DJ Sherman to contact us BEFORE SATURDAY DRAFT time. You can contact us at our gmail account or by phone at (011)9266-5213 or (017)7717-3865 We need to know your playing level in order to hold a proper draft and therefore a proper tourney. It is IMPERATIVE that you contact us asap. There was a mix-up in the emails and we don't know how to contact you. Unfortunately, you will be the one holding the short end of the please contact us ASAP

We have people waiting and more people contacting us everyday about the tourney. If you can't play in all the game sthen say it now!!!


SeaBass said...

i think Sweden Kim's friend isn't gonna show but i'm not sure as of yet...btw people, he's supposedly a very good goalie...dunno

Anonymous said...

what this "miss the net far to much" stuff?

Anonymous said...

looks good Seabass, props on your organizational skillz, ur doin a hell of a job. You get my number request?
Fraze #7

Anonymous said...

Forgot to add, maybe just a little too much.

T-bone said...

We all miss the net a little too much ! hahaha

Let the tourney chat begin!

Go my team!

Anonymous said...

My team is going to win t-bone (unless we end up on the same team) I think the task for you and spark will be not too be drinking too late and not wake up and come to a game with 1/2 hour remaining! ha ha... Geddes.. Just reverse Seabass's statement to say: " You hit the net most times" you're essentially saying the same thing.. hope it makes you feel better!

Anonymous said...

I'd take you on my team anytime Geddes... Because I don't like those shots of yours that DON'T miss the net! I think you should run Seabass in the tourney, he was definitely dissing you! LOL!
Rene "Instigator" Boucher.

SeaBass said...

i put you in top four and you think i'm dissing you. the facts are simply facts. but i welcome the 'run'...i'm sure i'll be knockin' or getting knocked on the arse anyways...this won't be shinny...

on a side note, often on sunday shinny people skate on collision courses with the puck carrier...please be careful during the tourney because the guys will probably not stop...they will run you over. i know i won't be going back on my heels. haha
Let's Get it ONNNNNN!!!!haha

Anonymous said...

#7 is already taken.

Anonymous said...

who has #7??

Anonymous said...

At least we know Seabass is ready!!! Heads up, Manglers, heads up!!!
Rene "Chief Mangler... That doesn't sound too good, does it?" Boucher.

SeaBass said...

Pirate Ryan has #7. I don't know everyone's number. Last jersey we gave away '24' to two people...we're pulling off gretzky coaching fumbles here...we'll try to get everything organized for you but it will take time because it's ahrd to get in contact with everyone. i believe 666 is available, do you wnat 666?or how about 101? or 98765987? or 0? i don't think any goalie has taken 1 either...ever, i think

Anonymous said...

is 44 availbale?

Anonymous said...

or 16?

Anonymous said...

Give it up Fraze, is not obvious to you yet??????

Anonymous said...

I think the cup should be named "The All-purpose Chiefs Supremacy Trophy" or the "Depends What Month we're in Trophy" or the "Long List of Sinners Trophy" or "The Extremely Hard to Defend Trophy" or "The Kilroy Was Here Trophy" or...
If I think of any more, I'll get back to you... Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!
Rene "Shakespeare" Boucher.

SeaBass said...

I think teh trophy should have something to do with korea. geckos have thought of a greta name in the'kimchi pot'...i'm sure we can think of something...

'something' CUP
the arirang cup? nope that's lame...any ideas?

Anonymous said...

How about Rene "shut the fuck up" Boucher???? Your team is going down like like Tommy at an All-boys Junior High School!!!!!!

The Glove has spoken!!!!

Anonymous said...

Too bad for you I'm going to tell my team to shoot on the stick side. It won't matter much that you're known as "The Glove" then, will it??? Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!! Too bad Team C and Team B don't have a name yet, the "Mokdong Manglers" is going to look pretty good on the Hanbok Trophy...
Rene "Keep the zingers comin'" Boucher!

Anonymous said...

put me down for 44 seabass
im sick of this

SeaBass said...


SeaBass said...

terry's team is up 1-0 on tommy an dene on that one

Anonymous said...

The Geckos intrasquad trophy is called the imjin river cup because that is where the first ever ice hockey game in Korea was held by Canadian troops during the war.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and maybe I will miss the net one time and hit Karl in the balls, poo head!

Anonymous said...

Unless he is on my team, then he wouldn't be a poo head, but the risk of hitting him is still there.

Anonymous said...

Also, I talked to my buddy today and he really wants to play in the tournament. He can't come to the BBQ but he is a pretty decent hockey player.

Anonymous said...

Hey Geddes, calm down now!!! Ha, ha, ha! Seabass needs the equipment intact, he's a married man after all. Seabass, what do you mean, Terry's up 1-0 on that one??? My zinger wasn't good enough, is that it??? I'm very offended and just for that, I think I'll throw in a few more trophy names: "Trophy" "The Cup" "The Stanley Trophy" "The Grey Trophy" "The Ryder Trophy" "The Vince Lombardi Cup" "The Green Jacket and Cup" "The Emmy Cup" "The Oscar Trophy"...
Rene "I have to get a life" Boucher.

T-bone said...

The Rene "get a life" Trophy !! Hahahaa

Anonymous said...

That sounds pretty catchy Tbone!!! But, since we were thinking of a somewhat Korean name like the "Kimchi Pot," how about the "Makkulli Cup?"
Catchy and Korean. What could be better???
Rene "Researcher" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

or the "Soju showdown"

Anonymous said...

I love the "Soju Showdown," but unfortunately, that's a weird name for a trophy... Ha, ha, ha!!! As if the "Makkulli Cup" isn't! Too bad someone didn't suggest that for the tourney name instead. The S.A.F.V.d.C.F.C. is pretty hard to remember!
Rene "Sherlock" Boucher.