Monday, September 25, 2006

The RMT CHIEFS present...

The 2006 Rocky Mountain Chiefs
and your new captain


The Second Annual Francisco Vasquez de Coronado Fall Classic

Starring (in Alphabetical Order)

Your Team Captains: Rene, Terry and Tommy

Team A a.k.a. "The Manglers"

1. Bill (F) DTD
2. Clay (D)
3. Grigory (F) DL
4. Jack (F)
5. Jack's Friend (DF) the ex-uni player
6. Jay Lee (F)
7. John Morris (F)
8. Lexi (F)
9. Paul 'the Tall' (D)
10. Rene (G)
11. Steve-O (F)
12.Steven Hawkins (D)
13.TBone (FD)
14.Trevor Rowe (F)

Team B a.k.a. "The Tomahawks"

1. Aaron A. (F) DTD
2. Craig R. (D)
3. DJ Sherman (F)
4. Faze (D)
5. Jack's Friend #1 (F) uni player
6. Jack's Friend #2 (F) uni player
7. Kim (D) from the lands of Sweden
8. Louis (F) DL
9. Marc Roberts (D) DL
10. Mark Taylor (D)
11. Matt Bell (F)
12. Ryan Cassavant (F)
13. Tommy (G)
14. Wayne (D)

Team C a.k.a. "The Sweaty Tacos"

1. Aaron Geddes (F)
2. Correy Day (F)
3. Corry "The Scrawny" (F)
4. Cole (F?D)
5. Daniel S. (F?D)
6. Darren "The Big D" (F)
7. Darren "The Farmer" (F)
8. Isaiah (F)
9. Gerry (D)
10. Hee-Joon (D)
11. Karl (F)
12. Mark "The Spark" (F)
13. Tom Daniel (F)
14. Terry (G)

Your Referee for this tourney will be none other than

number 26, le numero 26
Jeremy Sands

The Hockey Insider has found that, on paper, The Tomahawks hold a slight advantage and are considered favorites to win this tourney. A scoreboard and one person to run it have been booked. The Times and Schedule for this tourney are as follows

Sunday, October 15th
Game One - 9am to 1030am
The Manglers vs The Tomahawks
Game Two - 1030am to 1200pm
The Mangler vs The Sweaty Tacos

Sunday, October 22nd.
Game Three - 9am to 1030 am
The Tomahawks vs. The Sweaty Tacos
Game Four - 1030am to 12pm
The Tomahawks vs The Manglers

Sunday, October 29th.
Game Five - 9am to 1030 am
The Sweaty Tacos vs The Manglers
Game Six - 1030am to 12pm
The Sweaty Tacos vs The Tomahawks

Sunday, November 5th. TBA
The Fransisco de Coronado Fall Classic Finals
Team 1 vs Team 2

To whom it may concern,

The administration would like to extend our deepest apologies to all players who did not make it on the teams. For some, we ran out of room and for others, we repeatedly asked you to contact us so we could hold a proper draft and when we didn't hear anything we dropped some players and picked up others who were on the sub-list. We are sorry for this inconvenience and please note that we will have 4 shinny ice times in October and you are more than welcome to show-up for those anytime you desire. We'll be holding another tourney in the Spring - hopefully we'll see you in that one. Thank you for your understanding.


T-bone said...

Good work Karl ! Where you dug that pic from I don't know !! I should find all copies of that and destroy them...haha
There is no "stronger" team on paper...but there is clearly one winner !! GO Rene's Rink Rats AKA..The Manglers

Anonymous said...

I think any team without a name picked are loooooosers.... :)

Anonymous said...

Team B is officially named "The Pylons" -Tommy

Anonymous said...

Let's Pyle it on team B then!!! Ha, ha, ha!!! I sense some confusion from Team C... Are they Sweaty Tacos, or are they Bruisers??? Maybe they'll just be Bruised Tacos after they play the Manglers!!!
Rene "The Puck Stops Here, Behind My Back" Boucher...

Anonymous said...

The Chiefs pesent??? Seabass, were you wearing the new team captain's glasses when you wrote that??? Ha, ha, ha!!!!!
Rene "Spots the difference" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

either you or your players will find out why we are called the bruisers when I'm on the ice!

Anonymous said...

don't underestimate the underdogs.. I think the Bruisers have a roster similar to that of the 05-06 Oilers.. we're making a run baby!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the Team B suggestion, I really like that and almost went with the Pylons. I can think os some cool logos for that. However, I think I will go with "Tomahawks".

Anonymous said...

Tommy's Tomahawks... Cool name, too bad you're the ones that will get scalped!!! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
Rene "Head Mangler" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

Big D, your team looks frighteningly like the Oilers, but then you all get on the ice and we see we're wrong... Ha, ha, ha!
Rene "Can't fool me that easily" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

I think we need some more trash talking on this site boys! Rene and I can only go back and forth so much. That being said, the manglers aren't much to look at really. Make sure to hike your jersey up in the back cause the light will be burnin' nice and bright when the Bruisers or Sweaty Tacos take the ice .

SeaBass said...

Terry could we have a final word on the Team name?

Anonymous said...

Which one is the blue team? Thats the team im backing.

Anonymous said...

Labatt's Blue???? I think all the teams are pretty good at swilling those things! Lee, you should be backing the Manglers, if you want bragging rights. The other two poser teams are going to be looking like Ice Capade candidates after we're done with them...
Rene "Keep the Madness Going" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

Rather be an Ice Capade candidate cause it means that we can skate circles around the manglers who will be still trying to figure out the rules of hockey.

Anonymous said...

It should be Rene "even the Islanders don't want me as GM after that draft" Boucher!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I only WISH I could draft as well as Mike Milbury... Where's the genius now??? Ha, ha, ha! Hey, we're talking about balance and harmony on the Manglers team. Balance and harmony, the Eastern philosophy. Look out Bruised Tomahawks and the Smelly Tacos, here come the Manglers!
Rene "Zen" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

Harmony and balance are for fairies. It's all about blood sweat and glory. You can have all the balance/harmony you want it ain't gonna do ya crap once the puck drops on the blue dot balance and harmony will soon be shown the door.

Anonymous said...


The only balance and harmony you will see is T-Bone trying to keep his balance on the ice and harmony of "We are the Champions" coming from the Tacos' locker room!!!!! -Terry

Anonymous said...

finally some more trash talk, where is everybody? this is a competitive tourney it's all good.

T-bone said...'s on!!!

Anonymous said...

Terry, why will the Smelly Tacos be singing our song??? It's nice of you to be so such class acts, but I think we can handle it ourselves. Those Bruised Tomahawks are going to see what a balanced attack can do! The Smelly Tacos will understand how much harmony plays on a team's psyche.
Goooooooooo, Manglers!
Rene "The Prophet" Boucher.

SeaBass said...


I believe you are mistaking 'heart' with a 'lack of harmony.'
You may have the best party team but that doesn't make you the tightest hockey team.
You may have picked all the nice guys but, in hockey, there's no room for nice guys.
Hockey is about heart.
IT's about pushing yourself and wanting that win more than anybody else on that team. Don't mistake Heart with lack of harmony.
The Bruisers are all about Heart

Anonymous said...

Bruisers? I do believe you are called the sweaty tacos. What is up with that name??? Sweaty Tacos? You should have said the sweaty tacos are all about...really disgusting food?!?!? what's up with that name? Picture a Taco full of man eat it.

Ahh? What?? What the hell is a sweaty taco?? How are you guys going to be able to play your 'heart' out when you represent sweaty tacos? the saliva can 'heart' ever enter the picture Seabass??

Anonymous said...

Ah, don't confuse harmony with lack of heart, Seabass, the Manglers have plenty of heart, and harmony to go along with it! Balance is the key to our team, balance. The heart and harmony are just the extra ingredient we have plenty of to carry us over the Bruised Tomahawks and the Smelly Tacos.
Rene "Philosophical" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

i guess,
saliva burgers
dandruff pizzas
pubic pastas
mucus meatballs
fecal fudges
were all taken...sweaty tacos. haha. you haven't played a game and you're already losers.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I really feel bad for those that do not get the joke with the name!!! By the way Tommy, way to steal your team name off my mask. I was wondering why you were drafting the same guys right after I drafted them. -Terry

Anonymous said...

I really feel bad for those that do not get the joke with the name!!! By the way Tommy, way to steal your team name off my mask. I was wondering why you were drafting the same guys right after I drafted them. -Tommy

Anonymous said...

I really feel bad for those that do not get the joke with the name!!! By the way Tommy, way to steal your team name off my mask. I was wondering why you were drafting the same guys right after I drafted them. - Rene

Anonymous said...

Can Tom Daniel, Farmer Darren, and Cole please contact me at ASAP -Terry

SeaBass said...

What is up with all these posts? Nothing makes much sense...

Anonymous said...

ditto I think our Captains have gone off the deep end I think..Maybe someone should be assigned to keep track of them less Rene get cold feet or something.. Tommy will show and Terry will.. Rene.. well he could end up with some Hooker in Hong Kong and his wife might kick his ass taking him out of this tourney.. who knows.. it could happen!

SeaBass said...


Grigory may be out of this tourney because the starting date for his job has been pushed back to the 23rd or so. He was supposed to be here by the 1st but he's been jerked around. All to say, he wants to play and he's willing to pay full fee but he will miss the first three games for you guys. I wouldn't want to offend the harmony of your team but I'm glad I could

Anonymous said...

Whattttt???? Grigory isn't going to make it now??? I think we should see who's next on the sub list and inserting him into the line-up, especially if Grigory is waiting on some work place to come into the country with. I wouldn't want to mess with the harmony, but we could use three full lines, those other teams are tough!
Big D, don't talk like that, I think I'm already on thin ice with the wife. That hooker DID look pretty tempting though...
Rene "No cold feet here" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

Yes - you can just take one from sub list - that what I said as options #1. My contract has been already signed - only lazy HR manager (and chusok?) is the reason of such circumstances. Sory again. Grigory.

SeaBass said...

It is unfortunate that Grigory cannot play in the tourney but we CANNOT replace him with another player from the sub-list. Once the teams have been drafted and made public there is NO ROOM for replacements. If it makes you feel any better Grigory isn't the only player out of the tourney.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's okay. Sorry you can't be there Grigory, it would have been nice to have you skating with us. Anyway, let's just hope Bill doesn't end up on the DL so that we have to worry about losing only one guy.
Rene "Smaller Roster" Boucher.