Friday, June 29, 2007

Canada Day


Right before the CANADA DAY Festivities!!

This Sunday is Canada Day! What better way to be/feel canadian then to strap on some skates and shoot the puck around? Our ice time will start at 8am and end at 10am. We'll be heading out to the Canada Day festivities following the shinny session. Come on out, eh?

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

and the survery SAYS....

Adam Oates' rookie team was....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Sunday Ilsan

We're playing the Ilsan Eagles on their home ice Sunday (July 1st)morning at 10 am. We also have our regular ice time on Sunday at 10am in Mokdong.
If you wish to play in Ilsan, please leave a comment here. Many Chiefs will be playing regular shinny in Mokdong, so the rest of the team to play Ilsan will be made up of INCHON players. Get it? Chiefs shinny Sunday in Mokdong at 10am. The "Inchon Chiefs" will be playing in Ilsan Sunday, vs the Ilsan Eagles, at 10 am.
all taking place on Canada

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer Sizzler Inter-Tri-Team Tourney 2007

Okay, here is our list of players as of .....right now!

Summer Sizzler Hockey Tournament – Draft Sheet

Geckos Glaciers
Chris Diciccio (Forward, Tier 2, will miss 1 or 2 games in July)
Derek Elliot (Forward, Tier 2, here for entire summer)
Clark Webster (Forward, Tier 2)
Ji Hyun (Goalie)
Korean Univ Kid (Forward, Tier 1, maybe)
Dave Kavanaugh (Defense, Tier 2, 1st 2 games only)
Charles Fullerton (Forward, Tier 2, back after 18 JUL)
Bill Hoven (Defense, Tier 2)
Ken Braithwaite (Forward/Def, Tier 2)
Paul Grimmer (Forward, Tier 2)
Pete Polombo (Goalie, 1st 2-3 games only)
Charlie Lee (Forward, Tier 2)

RMT Chiefs (15-20 Skaters)
1.Trevor MacDonald ( F, Tier 2,Gone for August)
2.Aaron Geddes (F,Tier1,gone Aug 4-23rd)
3.Steve Hawkins (D,Tier2,gone July 8th & Aug
4.Ben Lederer (D,Tier3,miss 1-2 games a month)
5.Matt Bell (F,Tier1,GoneJuly 14-17. and gone after Aug23rd)
6.Paul Alexander (F,Tier3)
7.Isaiah Ubando (F,Tier3)
8.MarcRoberts (D,Tier2)
9. Matt Trower (F,Tier2)
10.John Morris (F/D,Tier3)
11.Ben Bomer (F,Tier 3, July29-Aug5)
12.Claude Brisebois (Goalie, maybe end 2 wks Aug)
13. Bret Wilkerson (F,Tier 3)
14. John "Norris" (F,Tier 2)
15. Jay Waddell (F,Tier2, July30-Aug5)
16. Dave Segalla (F,Tier2, Aug21-30)
17. Ryan Weaver (D,Tier2)
18 Lexi (F,Tier2)
19 Tommy Aaron (F,D,G,Tier2)
20 Damien (F,Tier2)
21 Karl Dancause (F,Tier2,miss 2 weeks)
22 Corey N (F,Tier2)
23 Corry Day (F,Tier1)
24 HeeJoon (D,Tier2.)
25. Jeff Stern (F,Tier2)

Inchon Iceholes (5-10 Skaters)

Monday, June 18, 2007

SUnday GAme

Game Game Game
Sunday Sunday Sunday

The Ilsan team has asked us for a re-match. Last Sunday the game came down to a last second slap shot from Geddes for the win. Fun had by all!!

Now, 15 players signed up for the last game and 19 showed up. Not cool. So from now on, the only way to sign up for these games is to do it through this site on THIS post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more emails! No more phone calls! This will centralize the organizational process and, in theory, should make it easier for everyone to get in on these games.


Marc Roberts



Aaron G.

Dave S.

Hee Joon




Steve Hawk.

Bill Hoven

Matt Bell

Ryan C.

Dave W.

Nets: Claude

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer Hockey

To all Chiefs,

There are a few whispers flowing around the Seoul rinks these days concerning some Fabulously Superb Seoul Summer Sizzler. Clay "the Mack-Daddy" Jannsen, who has moonlighted with the Chiefs since our natal years, has presented a tourney concept to the tribal council and it seems to have received a favorable response.

The idea is to have players from the Chiefs, the Glaciers and the Iceholes entered in a massive draft. As Clay put it, “each team would make an honest assessment of the skill level of each player prior to the draft. Also, the draft picks would have to be rotated between the 3 teams (i.e. if a captain picks a Chief, his next pick must be an Icehole or Glacier)”. The games would be split between Mok-Dong, Anyang and maybe Korea University. It would start in July and end in August.

As everyone who has been here in the summer knows, our numbers dwindle to miniscule proportions. This tournament is a great idea to keep the team afloat over the long summer months.

So what do YOU think?

Monday, June 11, 2007

Game and Party !!

Hello Chiefs,
For all who were involved in the Chiefs Spring Fling Inter-Squad tourney, the party is this Saturday June 16th. The location is Steve Hawkins' house (map to be attached soon) starting at 1pm. There will be a bbq,beer and hopefully sunshine!
The following Sunday morning at 10am, we are scheduled to play the Ilsan Eagles. For those able to play, please email us at
Go Chiefs...Go Hockey !
T-Bone #3

Ryan Casavant
Taul Paul
Marc R
aaron G
Bill Hov
Ryan and Twin bro
Big D
Matt T
Dave W
NETS: Claude