Saturday, February 03, 2007

NEW !! Ice Times (as of wed feb 7th)

Sunday February 11th: 7-9am straight from the bar skaters are welcome
Wednesday February 14th: No ice! Play road hockey with your Valentine
Sunday February 18th: 9-10:30am (possible Inchon Game)
Wednesday February 21st: 10-11:30pm
Sunday February 25th Not 100% booked..*see above post
Wednesday February 28th: 9:30-11pm
For Sunday the 11th....please try and come out to play. I know it's freakin early but...sweat it out and go home and rest it off. The first 6 months of the Chiefs was 7-9 every Sunday. Suck it up, and I'm 98% sure we're upstairs.
T-Bone # 3


SeaBass said...

i tried to hook up a game against the maple leafs but it was too short notice.

still, we may be able to hook up a game against them next sunday...

Anonymous said...

I'm in for Sunday, and I have to stay in Seoul overnight for that one! Unless the bus starts running at 4:30 in the morning...
Rene "Let's do it!" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

I'm in too - Jari Kurri (Steve Hawk)...just got back from a week away...hey Rene, I think you are saying you will be in town Sat. PM and looking for camping option? Give me a call if you want...010 8589 5501...I still want to do the Chiefs breakfast, but my cook isn't around will have to be later in the month....

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve, thanks for the campground! Really appreciate the place to stay, I hope I can return the favour someday. When you come to Canada, look us up, we'll take you out for dinner somewhere!
Rene "As long as it's not on the floor" Boucher.