Thursday, December 21, 2006

Low Numbers=Less Ice times

We have been a little short on numbers over the holidays therefore we have decided not to book a xmas ice time.


We will have a X-Mas Eve ice time (Sunday the 24th) from 10:00am to 12:00pm. Guess we're doing it the French Canadian way - opening presents on X-Mas Eve as opposed to waiting for X-Mas mornin'.


hope to see you out on the eve. nothing like a bit of skating before hitting the turkey.


Anonymous said...

Let's get some better numbers out on Sunday, eh?!?! I'm looking forward to a good skate before heading to Yongin for a Xmas party. For those of you that CAN'T make it, I wish you a Merry Christmas, and I hope to see you early in the new year, because I'll be away most of January.
See you Sunday! Rene "Come on out!" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

I ditto that comment.. as was agreed.. no point in book that extra ice time in December if no one is showing up on a Sunday.. if Rene can stay up all night and come in from Yongin i'm sure that most people can come and play hungover or still drunk whichever your choice maybe! Lexi did it! Hope to see lots of people on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

DJ. Hi I want to sign up for the Inchon game but don't know how

T-bone said...

Merry Christmas Chiefs!! Things are well in Canada. Jr's start tomorrow!! Sweet!!

Come on out and skate you lazy holiday partiers !!

Anonymous said...

DJ, I think you can just come out and play next week, because I doubt we'll have too many players out!!! We may even have to borrow some, the way the turnouts have been...
Rene "Are we going to have enough guys?" Boucher.

SeaBass said...

all are welcome to play against Incheon!! Just show up.

as of now I have
anybody else up for playing??

as of now we have veeeeeery few players committed to playing next weekend. we have the ice so worst case scenario we will have shinny but i wonder if we should cancel the game?!?! then again, i don't know Dave's number...we should probably warn them that we'll be icing a very small team.

Anonymous said...

Yes - count me please.


SeaBass said...

plus grigory...we may need a goalie for this thing

Anonymous said...

Seabass, we have Jamie in nets, Tommy said he was going to be there, and I'll be coming out to play too. That makes a full line, plus a couple of spares!! I believe Isaah said he'd be out, and I also believe another guy is too. We should be fine to play.
Rene "The force is with us" Boucher.

Anonymous said...

im in

SeaBass said...

well we have a very brave jamie in nets (get ready for some shots in this one)

maybe isaiah

if anybody else wants to play there's still 7 spots available.

SeaBass said...

sorry add grigory to that so 6 spots available. should be an interesting game

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