Thursday, August 07, 2008

Game On!! ...maybe

Hi Chiefs,

The Incheon Iceholes would like to play us this Sunday August 10th, 12-pm-2pm.

Our numbers have been pretty low so we're hoping that a game will bring people out. As always, it's first come, first served. We don't stack teams but we play to win (or should I say, we try a little harder in the last five minutes of the game).

Please add your name to the comments section or call Marc at 010-9332-0430 or email him at

No contracts have been signed for this game so it is still very much up in the air but, the more people sign-up, the better chances we'll have of playing this one out.
It's funny how everyone is all of a sudden available to play now. We've been short all summer and now that it's game time...
Matt Bell
Rick W
Marc Roberts
Jesse Fraser
Patrick Rempel (Goalie)
Ryan C
Gary English
Jeffrey Oatman
Sola (Hyesoo Choi)
Aaron Geddes
These are the first 16 players and goalie to sign up for the game. We realize that more players have signed up, but we don't have any more room, sorry. As for a second goalie, I don't know anything about that (you should contact Marc if you want more info.) And yes, 16 players is over the 15 cut-off of us will ref, just not sure who it will be yet....maybe YOU???


Anonymous said...

Okay, now it's on here. I am probably in for Sunday.

Aaron G

Terry said...

Whose turn in the nets for a game?

Anonymous said...

Heard they don't have a goalie... we might need two

Anonymous said...

I can play net now, haha

matt bell