Wednesday, May 14, 2008

BBQ May 17th... be there at 2pm!

As most of you know, this Saturday we'll be barbecuing at Michel's house and having a few beers I'm sure. You may arrive around 1:30 or 2pm. All Chiefs are welcome with their girlfriends or wives. It's not just a tournament party. Free party, so be there!
Here are directions for his place. It's pretty easy to find I hear. Marc Roberts and I will be there pretty early so give one of us a shout if you need some simple directions. Tbone# 017-717-3865 Roberts#010-9332-0430
Bring on the sun !! But if there is rain, He's got us covered...pardon the pun...It'll still go on!
tbone # 3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the building that has ACE stationary store on the bottom where u turn right has a YBM ECC above it not EEC as it says on the map.