It's been talked about in every bar,hogwon and coffee shop in Seoul. The Chiefs annual Spring intersquad tourney is about to begin! The teams are listed below: Your respective captains should be contacting you soon.
Team A: Asian Sensation
Captain: Scrawney Corey
Goalie: Jimbob
Aaron G.
Hee Joon
Jeff Stern
Chuck Norris
Tall Paul
Adam D
Craig R.
David S.
Team B: Dirty Sanchez
Captain: Marc Roberts
Goalie: Dick
Lee Wong
Steve Hawkins
Eric Johnston
Al Frankenberger
Aaron A.
Steve Hatherly
John Morris
Correy D.
Matt Tower
Big D
Team C: The Lucky Pucks
Captain: Ryan "the Bull" Casavant
Goalie: Claude
Matt Bell
Donald Caldwell
Clark Webster
Bill Hoven
Bill Hendsbee
Jason Lusby
Paul Alexander
That's it! let the trash talking begin. Let's have a fun, clean tournament... The Schedule is as follows:
A vs. B May 13th 10:30-12:00
A vs. C May 20th 10:30-12:00
B vs. C May 27 11:00-1:00
Semi Final: 2nd and 3rd place teams after the round robin. June 3rd Time TBD
Final: Winner of the Round Robin vs. Winner of the Semi Final June 10th Time TBD
Party Location: TBD
Okay people, looking at the rosters, who is your money on?
I think Team A is going to have a deadly first line with Jack, Geddes and whoever they put with them; plus Craig and Hee-joon on D.
Team B is solid from top to bottom with strong D, Hawkins and Gerry. Lee and Corry will score bunches.
Team C looks good as well. Strong up front with Donny and Matt Bell. Bill is solid on D. Plus, Klode is going to allow them to attack more.
I believe this is the strongest line-up we have had for a tournament. It will be alot of fun and I think any team can win this thing. Having the strongest team does not equal trophies!!
I will do my best to keep stats for the games. If anyone wants to help out, let me know. If I have someone helping, I can get more accurate numbers. Good luck to everyone and KEEP IT CLEAN!!!!!
First of hell with playing clean - I cannot speak for the captain, but its all about old time hockey!
The only point Terry, that you haven't touched on (maybe its sensitive for you) is the 'tenders. They are crucial in these short-haul contests.
Overall, there seems to be good balance in the lineups and we know anything can happen!!
Good luck to all.
Your team sucks. Terrible picking.
I predict my team is going to win!! Want to put money on it?
Our team is gonna kick your asses.
Now that's the trash talking that was missing in MY day back in Korea... LOL! Keep up the good war of the words, guys, it's entertaining for us all...
Rene "Go for the gold" Boucher.
now how the fuck did team A got stacked like that!?!?!?
You know what sucks?
The lucky pucks.
You know who's gay?
aaron g
we all know heart wins over talent, who wants it more and who is sober enough to hit the net with the puck. bring on the noise.
matt bell
"The Lucky Pucks"???? Wow!!! Were "The Pretty Flowers" and "The Cute Teddy Bears" already taken?
I love the wimps that don't leave their names. Must be on the lucky pucks.
The Asian sensation? I wouldn't talk there Geddes.. last time i checked 1/2 your team is white.. nothing sensational about a guy who shows up 1/2 hour late every game and just cherry picks..
Of course your team is named after having shit on your face. You like the smell of that?
We'll see about his cherry picking when he scores a bunch of goals on Sunday.
Then again, it was Terry who left the comment about how gay the name "the lucky pucks" is.
Then again, it was Terry who left the comment about how gay the name "the lucky pucks" is.
didn't take much to get the fire started. ha ha
You're welcome!!!
Hey Terry,
Why aren't you playing in net for the tourney? Were you cut?
Blah blah blah, I can trash talk, but you don't know who I am.
There is gonna be a steady stream of guys to box....starting with LEE!!!
Referee since you're in Korea are you open to bribery? if a white envelope somehow found its way into your pocket with an anymnous note what would you do?
I do not know anything about any white envelops that end up in my pocket!!!
the fire has been lit no putting it out now..doesn't matter if we smell like shit.. at least we are THE SHIT..
unlike Geddes with his pink shirt (that should be a 5 min major just for wearing it to the rink) and the Sucky Pucks..
Glove..where did the love go? I haven't gotten a 2 minute "I feel shame" time out yet in Korea. Don't start now..
Lee"High and Hard off the Glass"Wong
By far and away the best one yet is ...
Too scared to write my name. said...
Blah blah blah, I can trash talk, but you don't know who I am.
4:54 PM
I love the fact that Team B is named after shit on your face!!!Man that's just too easy!!!
it'll give you something to concentrate on as we blow by you and drive to the net and score the goals.. you'll still be like.. "they have shit on their faces".. whereas the sensations.. well enough said.. btw Sucky Pucks you should advertise you're services to the femalee/gay community.. with the expression "Do you want sucky sucky?" :)
Darren, when you blow by me, I will bow down to you. Did you just look up "we blow by you and drive to the net and score the goals" on the internet to find out what it means? The "sucky pucks"? Is this grade 5 all over again. Maybe we can rename your team "the Shit Heads"
I never said me Geddes come on now you should know better than that! You'll be too busy wondering where your actual asian sensation is to notice if I did anyways..he does have a tendancy of not being reliable..
Should we determine team colors before the games start? Also if you can get me your #'s so I can make a stat sheet for each game.
Listen, if you are keeping track of points, you don't need the numbers for the "shit heads" because they aren't going to get any goals.
I am sure our captain can give you some numbers on Sunday morning.
My dear...congrats on breaking the "comment" chiefs site record.
The Rucky Pucks will comment on the ice. Our week long cheju retreat will bond us like nothing you've ever seen.
We've also hired the best names in sport to help us get the extra edge.. Ben Johnson is our trainer, OJ simpson has several penalty killing options, Theo Flurey has us out in the bars for good times,and Pete Rose, our coach has a lot riding on us.... Fear the LP's!!
Tbone # 3
geddes...your mean your bitch?? Mr.skinny no pads? yeah right! your problem is not on's just to know how many two line passes (even without the red line ) the ref will call on you....cherry picking team...
and your slap shut..bring it on biatch!!
not anonymous....
#1 in your program...# 1 in your heart(quoting a famous chiefs) and #1 in your face!
Looks like lots of head shots for Klode next weekend. They do seem to go harder when they go higher.
for that trivia before Claude...the famous Chief was Scott VanSlyke. What award did he win in 2004?
I know I know - can I say it? :)
too bad 90% of your shots miss the net geddes..
Another anonymous internet warrior.
If this is Klode, we'll see how it goes next Sunday.
First game: Asian Sensation 9 - Shit Heads 1.
it was not me GAY-des, but shit 9-1.... guess I'm in for a treat next sunday! bring it on!!
Don't rememeber the award T-Bone, sportsmanship or something like that?
Did he (Scott VanSlyke) win... best coach prize? coz he spoke too many? :)
YOu got it Grigory !! Nice work
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